Keep Animals Out of Your Chimney this Summer
Animals that crawl into chimneys in summer are usually looking for a safe spot for denning and keeping their babies, according to a Texas wildlife expert. Raccoons, squirrels, bats, mice, and birds are among the animals that commonly go into chimneys. The following are chimney hazards animals create, the secret to keeping animals out of your chimney, and details about raccoon removal.
Dangers Resulting from Animals in the Chimney
A hazardous chimney fire could start if animal nests are in your chimney when you start a fire in the fireplace. That’s just one of numerous dangers caused by animals in the chimney, and more follow:
Chimney Fires
Nests and other debris from animals could obstruct the chimney flue and, as a result, household occupants could be endangered from exposure to dangerous carbon monoxide.
Raccoons, squirrels, and rodents can carry parasites that switch their residence to domesticated animals and humans inside the home.
Food Contamination
If raccoons, rats, and squirrels get into the home through the chimney, they can contaminate food and cause damage to furniture and wiring.
Bats and raccoons are potential carriers of rabies, which can be a fatal disease.
Various Diseases
Raccoons, squirrels, and rodents are potential carriers of such diseases as hantavirus, leptospirosis, plague, and other viruses and bacteria.
How to Keep Animals Out of Chimneys
Instead of having to deal with wildlife, you can prevent the problem of animals in your chimney from occurring. The most logical and effective solution is to install a chimney cap with mesh so that animals can’t get in the chimney. Chimney caps are essential accessories, anyway, because they also keep out moisture by preventing rain, sleet, and snow, from falling directly into the chimney flue. (Moisture is a chimney’s enemy number 1!)
Getting and Keeping Raccoons Out of Chimneys
If there is an animal such as a raccoon in your chimney, do not start a fire or try to smoke the animal out. This would likely result in the animal’s death, and animal removal would still be needed. The following, provided by wildlife experts, goes over the most effective methods of getting animals out of your chimney:
Exercise Patience
In spring and summer, a raccoon in your chimney could be a female with her babies. Normally, after the babies are weaned for a few weeks, the mother raccoon and family will move out. You could simply wait out the process, though it would mean more animal waste will be left behind. It’s important to schedule chimney cleaning with a professional chimney sweep because animal waste can be toxic.
Around dusk, which is the normal activity period for raccoons, place strong-smelling substances such as vinegar, raccoon eviction fluid, or moth flakes above the damper. An alternative is to play a radio loudly or place bright lights in or near the chimney damper.
Simply Call the Pros at Guardian Chimney Sweeps
The CSIA-certified chimney sweeps at Guardian Chimney Sweeps have training in animal removal. Have you been wondering how to keep animals out of your chimney this summer? Our chimney pros can also install a chimney cap with mesh. Call us at one of the following numbers.
Toll-free: (888) 306-6069
Conroe: (936) 271-9781
Houston: (713) 401-2011