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Love is in the Air: Show Your Dryer Vent Some Care This Valentine’s Day!

You may not realize that your dryer vent can be a firetrap. If not cleaned out regularly you may find yourself in a situation that could have been avoided. It’s time to show some love to your dryer and clean out its vent.

There are many reasons to pay attention to your dryer and its vent. Here are a few:

dryer vent cleaning in Houston TX

Why My Dryer Needs Love?

First and foremost, safety. If your dryer vent continues to collect lint you are susceptible to a vent fire. The heat in your dryer needs an opening to escape. If the dryer is clogged with lint or debris, it can ignite causing a vent fire.

Dryer Efficiency

As mentioned above, your dryer needs airflow to circulate. Airflow will dry your clothes more efficiently. With open airflow, your clothes will get the air that they need to try faster.

Wear and Tear and Life Expectancy

Every appliance in your home needs some love every once in a while. By cleaning out your dryer vent, the motor doesn’t have to work as hard to dry your clothes. The more pressure you put on the motor, the shorter its lifespan. Help your dryer to work with ease.


Your dryer emits toxins and needs to send them out of your home. A clogged vent may keep the toxins in the home, causing health issues for your family.

Save Money

If your clothes aren’t drying, you will run the dryer longer. Longer drying times lead to electricity being run longer. A clogged dryer vent will prevent efficient drying times.

What Should You Be Looking For?

Here we will look at what you should be aware of. You will know when to call Guardian Chimney Sweep for a thorough cleaning.

Dryer Flap

Take a look outside. Is your dryer flap opening when your dryer is working? If it is not there must be a clog in the vent preventing airflow.

Clothes Not Drying

If you notice that your clothes are not drying as fast as they used to it is time to check your dryer vent. Airflow is essential for efficient drying times.

Irregular Smell

If you are experiencing a burnt smell, there is a concern for fire. Have your dryer vent cleaned out.

Does Your Dryer Feel Hot?

If air is not circulating as it should be, the dryer may run hotter than usual. Your dryer needs to circulate the hot air from the dryer with the outside air. If there is an accumulation of lint or debris in the vent you may find that the dryer gets hotter.

Now is the time to show some love to your dryer. You will benefit in so many ways.

clogged dryer vent solutions in Conroe TXContact Us Today!

When you are ready to make your appointment for vent cleaning, chimney sweep or inspection, call Guardian Chimney Sweep.

We strive to provide expert services. We provide professional chimney sweep, chimney cleanings, chimney inspections, and chimney repairs. As well as fireplace inserts, gas logs, chimney rebuilds, and more. We provide these to our customers with low-cost, reliable service in a timely fashion.