Preventing Chimney Fires This Winter
A fire in the chimney can be devastating. This can lead to extensive fire damage or even death. Year after year there are many house fires that have started in the chimney. At times the homeowner may not even know that there is a fire. It is important to understand what causes a chimney fire and what you, as a homeowner can do to prevent them.
Neglect of regular maintenance is a concern. Most chimney fires are caused by creosote. This by-product of burned wood builds up on the sides of your chimney eventually creating a solid black tar-like substance. This buildup can ignite into a fire.
What Can I Do To Avoid A Chimney Fire
The number one protection against chimney fires is to get an annual chimney sweep and inspection. At Guardian Chimney Sweep, our technicians will come to your house and thoroughly inspect and clean out your chimney.
Did you know that the type of wood you burn can prevent or limit the buildup of creosote?
Burning the most seasoned wood will help with that buildup. Seasoned wood burns hot and fast. Not allowing the smoke and by-products of the woodburning to linger and secure itself to the inside of your chimney. You should make sure that your wood is seasoned for at least 6 months, better for up to a year.
On the topic of wood, the hardest of woods burns the best as well. Hardwood is less dense compared to softwood. This creates a hotter fire with the minimum of the creosote by-product developing. When we talk about hardwood, we suggest oak, hickory, ash, or maple.
Staying on the wood topic. Do not burn treated wood. Choose only non-treated for your indoor fireplace. Treated wood has chemicals that can ignite faster as well as give off toxins in the air.
Fire Size Is Important
Instead of loading up your fireplace with wood, burn small fires. Especially in the fall and spring when you won’t need as much heat. When your fire is too hot, you may choose to close off the oxygen causing smoke and smoldering fire. This is called “oxygen starvation” which can produce creosote.
Keep A Fire Extinguisher Nearby
A Class ABC fire extinguisher near your fireplace or wood stove is advisable. Fires need oxygen to burn. A fire extinguisher is effective in eliminating that oxygen.
Don’t Use A Liquid Accelerant
These accelerants such as gasoline, lighter fluid, or kerosene may start an out-of-control fire, which can cause a chimney fire or worse, a fire in the room.
Taking these precautions will help keep your family safe from chimney fires.
Contact Us Today!
When you are ready to make your appointment for a chimney sweep or inspection, call Guardian Chimney Sweep. We strive to provide expert services. We provide professional chimney sweep, chimney cleanings, chimney inspections, and chimney repairs. As well as fireplace inserts, gas logs, chimney rebuilds, and more. We provide these to our customers with low-cost, reliable service in a timely fashion.